NiftyPlanet Guides-Earn Free Crypto

5 min readOct 30, 2021


In this article you will learn how to:

1) buy NFPL tokens from PancakeSwap

2) provide Liquidity on PancakeSwap and Earn a share of the Trading Fees

3) earn ADDITIONAL financial rewards paid in NFPL tokens by providing Liquidity

October 30, 2021

Now that NFPL has been successfully listed on PancakeSwap, we wanted to provide the quickest way for our community to acquire more NFPL tokens and for current NFPL holders to earn from their tokens by providing liquidity. We also want to offer a special reward to our community members that provide liquidity.

1) How to Buy NFPL tokens on PancakeSwap

Beware of scammers sending the fake contract addresses. We have posted our official contract address below. Use this one below to confirm you are using the correct contract address. If you have any doubts confirm the address with our admin in our official telegram group

✅ Official NFPL Contract: 0x0e936FA737EBaa3979e3A340102a33aE623c88d4

✅ NiftyPlanet Token (NFPL) Token Tracker | BscScan:

  1. Go to and select the Exchange tab
  2. Select currency & paste the contract address from above into Search box
  3. Import token
  4. You’re Done. Buy as much NFPL as you want!
  • Learn about Liquidity pools by watching this Liquidity pools for Dummies video (we know you are not dumb, but its a great video anyway ;)

2) How to Provide Liquidity on PancakeSwap and Earn Trading Fees

  • Please be aware that although small, there is a risk to participating in Liquidity pools. Please take a moment to learn what Impermanent Loss is.
  1. Buy NFPL on PancakeSwap
  2. Go to and select the Liquidity tab
  3. Input any amount of NFPL you want/have, but you must calculate and add 1:1 pair NFPL and BNB
  4. Add Liquidity by following the instructions, and you are done and you will begin earning trading fees like a boss!
  5. To check your share of the pool, make sure the same wallet is connected to PancakeSwap, you are on the swap page, and then simply click on Liquidity tab (see very bottom right screenshot)

Note: The more liquidity you add the more you trading fees you will earn!

3) How to Earn ADDITIONAL financial rewards paid in NFPL by providing Liquidity

For a limited time, we have decided to offer a special “NFPL Liquidity Rewards Program.”

It is very simple to earn extra NFPL tokens simply by participating in our liquidity pool on PancakeSwap. Here are the terms for earning NFPL tokens:

  • :$2000 deposit NFPL Liquidity Reward:
  • If you provide $2000 deposit to the liquidity pool ($1000NFPL/$1000BNB) for a period of:
  • 3 months, you will receive a reward of NPFL tokens as follows: (8% x total deposit ($2,000) = $160 worth of NFPL tokens (calculated at the time of distribution to user)
  • 6 months, you will receive a reward of NPFL tokens as follows: (20% x total deposit ($2,000) = $400 worth of NFPL tokens tokens (calculated at the time of distribution to user)
  • 12 months, you will receive a reward of NPFL tokens as follows: (40% x total deposit ($2,000) = $800 worth of NFPL tokens tokens (calculated at the time of distribution to user)
  • : $5000 deposit NFPL Liquidity Reward:
  • If you provide $5000 deposit to the liquidity pool ($2500NFPL/$2500BNB) for a period of:
  • 3 months, you will receive a reward of NPFL tokens as follows: (8% x total deposit ($5,000) = $400 worth of NFPL tokens tokens (calculated at the time of distribution to user)
  • 6 months, you will receive a reward of NPFL tokens as follows: (20% x total deposit ($5,000) = $1000 worth of NFPL tokens tokens (calculated at the time of distribution to user)
  • 12 months, you will receive a reward of NPFL tokens as follows: (40% x total deposit ($5,000) = $2000 worth of NFPL tokens tokens (calculated at the time of distribution to user)
  • : $10000 deposit NFPL Liquidity Reward:
  • If you provide $10000 deposit to the liquidity pool ($5000NFPL/$5000BNB) for a period of:
  • 3 months, you will receive a reward of NPFL tokens as follows: (8% x total deposit ($10000) = $800 worth of NFPL tokens (calculated at the time of distribution to user)
  • 6 months, you will receive a reward of NPFL tokens as follows: (20% x total deposit ($10000) = $2000 worth of NFPL tokens (calculated at the time of distribution to user)
  • 12 months, you will receive a reward of NPFL tokens as follows: (40% x total deposit ($10000) = $4000 worth of NFPL (calculated at the time of distribution to user)
  • How to collect your NFPL Liquidity Rewards:
  1. At the end of your lock period (3, 6, or 12 months, depending how long you held your liquidity deposit), you must provide proof of your successful liquidity deposit amount and time period to NiftyPlanet Admin by Telegram PM.

・First, send a screenshot of your liquidity stake on Pancakeswap like so:

・Next, provide the BSC wallet address that was used for the deposit, and a screenshot so that we can verify your claim on like so:

2. After confirmation by the NiftyPlanet team, we will distribute your NFPL rewards to the same wallet provided by you.

** Start earning your share of the NFPL Liquidity Pool Fees, and NFPL Liquidity Rewards now!**

